Session 47 /08.12.2021/

On December 8, 2021, the remote session of the Center for Scientific Policy, Quality Assurance and Management with the quality assurance coordinators of ShSU  chairs was held, which was dedicated to the presentation of the results of the  self-analysis revision process of  “M. Nalbandyan State University of Shirak” Foundation’s institutional capabilities.

The director of CSPQAM A.  Sargsyan informed the quality assurance coordinators that a revision commission for self-analysis of institutional accreditation had been established, in which only those responsible for the relevant criteria had been involved. At the same time, she added that each criterion was being considered by her, and she found it necessary  to inform about the results and the main revised points.

She particularly presented: 1. Mission and goals, 2. Management and administration, 3. Educational programs, some details of the additions implemented in the criteria, and noted that other criteria would be touched upon during subsequent sessions.