Article preparation criteria
NOVEMBER 11-13, 2021
The submitted article must meet the following requirements:
- The articles should be presented in Microsoft Word Doc either in Armenian, Russian or English.
- Page Size: A4, portrait.
- Margin: 4 cm from the top, right, left, 5 cm from the bottom.
- The Font Size:12pt.
- Font: Armenian: Sylfean, Russian: English: Times New Roman.
- Line Spacing 1 pt.
- Field of work, UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) code on the first line in the original language, in capital letters, equalization by width, bold.
- The title should be introduced on the second line, in the language of original, uppercase, centered, bold.
- The author’s last name, first letters of first name and patronymic should be written on the third line, in the language of original, centered,
- Leave one single-spaced blank line to present the abstract of the paper in the language of original, justified, regular.
- Leave one single-spaced blank line to present the key words (no more than 10 words) in the language of original, justified, regular.
- After the missed 1 line, submit the information of items 8-11 in Russian and English, if the original language is Armenian, Armenian and Russian, if the original language is English, Armenian and English, if the original language is Russian.
- Leave one single-spaced blank line to give the introduction: here in the frame of the article the author gives a brief review of publications on the subject, goal and topicality (not exceeding 1 page).
- Leave one single-spaced blank line to introduce the main content of the article.
- Submit the links in the text in square brackets, indicating the number of the given work from the list of literature: [1], [5-7].
- The formulas in the article should be written using Math Type or MS Equation Editor. Only the formulas cited in the text must be numbered. Formula numbering must be done in the frame of the whole text (1), (2) … justified. Numbering is to be on the same vertical line. All formula symbols need clarification. The dimensions of the quantities must correspond to the CI system.
- All the tables must be presented in clear rows and columns, entitled and numbered.
- Figures and pictures must be clearly introduced, they are to be entitled and numbered. It should be presented with jpg format.
- Leave one single-spaced blank line before the conclusion not exceeding 0,5 page. The conclusion includes the main findings of the research.
- References are listed at the end of the article in the following way.
Examples of Books
- Աղայան Է. Բ. Ընդհանուր և հայկական բառագիտություն: Երևան: ԵՊՀ հրատարակչություն: 1984: 370 էջ:
- Будак Б. М., Фомин С. В. Кратные интегралы и ряды. М.: Изд.-во «Наука». 1967. 608 с.
- Nowacki W. Theory of Asymmetric Elasticity. Oxford. Pergamon Press. 1986. 383 p.
Examples of magazines / periodicals
- Ջրբաշյան Վ. Ա. Ռիսսի տիպի ներկայացումներ կիսահարթությունում մինիմալության հատկությամբ// Մաթեմատիկան բարձրագույն դպրոցում: 2011: Հատոր 7: № 1: էջ 5-17:
- Пальмов В. А. Основные уравнения теории несимметричной упругости // Прикладная математика и механика. 1964. Т. 28. Вып. 6. С. 1117-1120.
- Iesen D. The plane micropolar strain of orthotropic elastic solids // Archives of Mechanics. 1973. Vol. 5. № 3. P. 547-561.
Examples of the proceedings
- Խաչատրյան Ն. Գ., Հարությունյան Ս. Ն. Հայերի մշակութային արժեքային կողմնորոշումների միջմշակութային ուսումնասիրություն // Տեսական և կիրառական հոգեբանության արդի հիմնախնդիրները: Միջազգային գիտաժողովի նյութեր: Երևան: «Էդիտ Պրինտ» հրատ.: 2011: Էջ 80-83:
- Маргарян Л. М. Построение прикладной динамической модели микрополярных упругих ортотропных тонких стержней асимптотическим методом // Труды международной конференции “Актуальные проблемы механики сплошной среды”. 08-12 октября. 2012. Цахкадзор, Армения. Т. 2. Ереван: Изд.-во ЕГУ АС. 2012. С. 19-23.
- Kolesnikov A. M., Popov A. V. Pure bending of a pressurized curved tube // Proceedings of the International Conference Shell Structures: Theory and applications. 16-18 October, 2013. Gdansk, Poland. Taylor&Francs Press. London. 2014. P. 113-116.
Example of an electronic source
- The article should not exceed 7 pages. All the pages/numbers/ should be centered within the bottom.
- With a separate document (“Information about the author”), in the language of the article, it is necessary to submit comprehensive information about the author(s), mentioning name, surname, patronymic (in full), academic degree, academic title, telephone, e-mail (e-mail), workplace, the institution where the research was conducted.
- Articles should be e-mailed to
Below is a sample of an article: